Taller de Tejido a Telar

Taller de Tejido a Telar

Tejiendo en el Valle Sagrado de Cusco Taller de 10 días con el Maestro Tejedor Máximo Laura 2024 Cusco: 16 – 24 de Mayo (FULL) 2024 Buenos Aires: 3 – 9 de Julio, 2024 www.maximolaura.com/buenos-aires 2024 Cusco: 17 – 26 de Octubre, 2024 (FULL) Ven y...

Terms and Conditions of Use

Terms and Conditions of Use Web Site Terms and Conditions of Use 1. Terms By accessing this web site, you are agreeing to be bound by these web site Terms and Conditions of Use, applicable laws and regulations and their compliance. If you disagree with any of the...


Experiencia de 14 días: Taller y Tour Hemos organizado una experiencia de 14 días para aquellos que estén interesados ​​en hacer un tour después del taller de tejido. En este tour se visitarán los pueblos, mercados y sitios arqueológicos más representativos de la...

2023 Workshop

Tapestry Weaving in the Sacred Valley of Cusco 10-Day Workshop with Master Weaver Maximo Laura 2023: October 23 – November 1 (FULL) Come share with us a 10-day tapestry weaving workshop designed and taught by Maximo Laura for weavers of all levels of experience....

Buenos Aires Tapestry Workshop

Tapestry Weaving Workshop – Buenos Aires 2024 7 Days with Master Weaver Maximo LauraJuly 3 – 9, 2024 Come share with us a 10-day tapestry weaving workshop designed and taught by Maximo Laura for weavers of all levels of experience. You will learn,...
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