Tapestry Selection

“Mother Earth Call”

120 x 80 cm

US$ 2,400

“Tenderness to Absence”

200 x 80 cm

US$ 4,300

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“Premonitions of Love”

145 x 120 cm

US$ 4,500

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“Blessed Fertility”

180 x 120

US$ 5,300

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“Longing for the Beloved One”

180 x 120 cm

US$ 5,300

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“Beloved Lover”

Version made with Experimental Weaving Techniques

100 x 120

US$ 9,000

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“Beloved Lover”

100 x 120 cm

US$ 3,200

“Towards the Lover”

170x 120 cm

US$ 4,400

“Ceremonial Chant to the Sun”

196 x 121 cm 

US$ 11,500

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