Private Collection Gallery

“Presencia de los Espíritus Ancestrales”
(Presence of the Ancestral Spirits)

120 x 180 cm (47 x 70 in)

“Ofrenda de la Flor de Cantuta al Sol”
(Offering of the Cantutal Flower to the Sun)

122 x 240 cm (48 x 94 in)

“Ritual en la Jungla”
(Ritual in the Jungle)

120 x 180 cm (47 x 70 in)

“Cantar en Encuentro Sagrado”
(Singing in Sacred Encounter)

120 x 220 cm (47 x 86 cm)

“Ritual para el Arbol Sagrado”
(Ritual to the Sacred Tree)

176 x 260 cm (69 x 102 in)

“Fruto Abundante del Mar IV”
(Abundant Fruit of the Sea IV)

120 x 120 cm (47 x 47 in)

“Encuentro de Dos Peces”
(Encounter of Two Fish)

120 x 190 cm (47 x 74 in)

“Ritual de la Llamas a la Flor de Cantuta II”
(Ritual of the Llamas for the Cantuta Flower II)

124 x 186 cm (48 x 76 in)

“Camino Espiritual”
(Spiritual Path)

180 x 268 cm (70 x 105 in)

“Trueno Sagrado”
(Sacred Thunder)

180 x 250 cm (70 x 98 in)

“Camino Ardiente a la Luz”
(Burning Path to Light)

120 x 235 (47 x 92 in)

“Ritual del Sol y la Luna”
(Ritual of the Sun and the Moon)

120 x 100 cm (47 x 39 in)

“Ritual de las Llamas a la Flor de Cantuta”
(Ritual of the Llamas to the Cantuta Flower)

120 x 120 cm (47 x 47 in)

“Canto de la Llamas al Sol”
(Chant of the Llamas to the Sun)

122 x 250 cm (48 x 98 in)

“Hatun Raymi” / “Gran Fiesta”
(Great Feast)

190 x 122 cm (74 x 48)

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Creation Process

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