Pre-Columbian Symbolism Explore these symbols in Maximo’s Tapestries! Chakana (Andean Cross) Sun Clock IISize: 59 x 39″ $ 1,800 Setting SunSize: 47 x 47″ $ 2,200 Complementary Dualism (Opposite but Complemenatry) Song to the Wind XSize: 39 x 23″ $ 900 Presence of the Jaguar Spirit VSize: 39 x 59″ $ 1,750 Complementary Dualism (Female – Male) Aylluchakuy – MarriageSize: 47 x 35″ $ 1,790 Cosmic Harmony IVSize: 47 x 35″ $ 2,400 Steps Offering to the Andes IISize: 47 x 74″ $ 2,700 Black Sun in the IntihuatanaSize: 47 x 78″ $ 2,500 Offering in the Andes XISize: 39 x 78″ $ 2,500 Sun Temple on SolsticeSize: 19 x 39″ $ 950 Three Pachas or Three Realms 1. Hanan Pacha (Celestial world) Mother MoonSize: 47 x 35″ $ 2,400 Saludo a la LunaSize: 47 x 35″ $ 2,080 ConciliationSize: 47 x 39″ $ 2,600 Rebirth of the SunSize: 39 x 47″ $ 2,160 2. Kay Pacha (Here and Now) Wind MusiciansSize: 49 x 23″ $ 1,750 Serenata NoctunaSize: 49 x 23″ $ 1,750 3. Uku Pacha (World Below) Constant Interactions of the 3 Pachas Spirit of Abundance of the Earth VI $ 2,500 Abundant Fruit of the EarthSize: 47 x 74″ $ 3,290 “Augur of the Harvest Time”(Private Collection) National Award “Grand Master of Peruvian Craft”, 2001, Peru 210 x 360 cm (82 x 141 in) “Rituals and Visions in the Sacred Mountains” Size: 120 x 560 cm (47 x 220 in) Price: US$ 35,000 Explore Complete Catalog!