Wild Fibers Magazine

Obsessive … Feverish … Intense … Maximo Laura’s distinctive style provides a bold Interpretation of Andean Art Story by Ellie Kemp Photo by Linda N. Cortright In a culture with a spectacular, centuries-old tradition of textile production, the tapestries of Maestro...

Salon de Protocolo

Salón de Protocolo Aeropuerto Internacional Jorge Chavez –  Lima, Perú Talleres de Tejido 2024 Ver más Cusco 2024 Del 16 – 24 de Mayo MAS INFORMACION Ver más Buenos Aires 2024 Del 3 – 9 de Julio MAS INFORMACION  ...

Awards and Collections

Selection of Awards Award for Excellence, WTA – VI International Biennial of Contemporary Textile Art, MEXICO Outstanding Award, “From Lausanne to Beijing” 6th International Fiber art Biennale, CHINA Special Prize, 4th Riga International Textile and Fibre Art...
Janusz Puzniak

Janusz Puzniak

I admire the creativity of Maximo Laura and quality of his works. The piece that I bought decorates one of the most frequently used locations in my house. Everybody loves it.
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