EXPLORE CATALOG BY: Theme Abstract and Figurative Birds Musicians Sea Life Format Horizontal Square Vertical Size Large Medium Small Price $ 0 – $ 1,000 $ 1,000 – $ 1,500 $ 1,500 – $ 2,000 $ 2,000 – $ 2,500 $ 2,500 – $ 3,000 $ 3,000 + Original Design: Title: Voice of the Water Goddess XI Size: 100 x 210 cm (39 x 82 in) Custom Design/Size Below: 74 x 210 cm (29 x 82 in) Original Design: Title: Offering in the Andes XI Size: 100 x 200 cm (39 x 78 in) Custom Design/Size Below: 74 x 210 cm (29 x 82 in) Original Design: Title: Four Birds Towards the Sun Size: 60 x 125 (23 x 49 in) Custom Design/Size Below: 74 x 210 cm (29 x 82 in) Original Design: Title: Four Birds Towards the Sun (v2) Size: 60 x 125 (23 x 49 in) Custom Design/Size Below: 74 x 210 cm (29 x 82 in) Original Design: Title: Happiness Time Size: 80 x 220 cm (31 x 86 in) Custom Design/Size Below: 74 x 210 cm (29 x 82 in) Original Design: Title: Harvest in the Field Original Size: 60 x 125 (23 x 49 in) Custom Design/Size Below: 74 x 210 cm (29 x 82 in) Original Design: Title: Flight Towards the Light Size: 60 x 150 cm (23 x 59 in) Custom Design/Size Below: 74 x 210 cm (29 x 82 in) Original Design: Title: The Charm of the Prairies Size: 60 x 125 cm (23 x 49 in) Custom Design/Size Below: 74 x 210 cm (29 x 82 in)